Carrollton Residential Structure Fire
By Deputy Chief Henry Hackney
October 5, 2012

on 3 October, 2012, at 16:33 hrs. a single alarm was transmitted for companies 10 and 50, for a fire in a residential structure. Upon arrival, a working fire was transmitted for 15145 Yarmouth Cir. Command was established by Carrollton Captain Tim Nunez. 10 Engine stretched an 1-3/4 line and initiated fire attack. 50 Engine arrived and it's crew stretched a back-up line from 10 Engine, and 50 Engine's operator then laid out an LDH supply line. 10 Quint and 50 Truck performed ventilation tasks while the fire was quickly brought under control and extinguished. Great teamwork by both departments resulted in a quick knock down and property conservation! Carrollton VFD, First due on the first alarm, SVFD second due on the first alarm. No additional alarms transmitted for this location.

Units: 10 Engine and Quint, 50 Engine and Truck, Tanker 10, Medic 10, ES3, Isle of Wight Sheriff's Office. Capt. T. Nunez (Carrollton), Assistant Chief G. Rawls (Carrollton), Capt. B. Hubbard (Carrollton), Chief J. Stallings, (SVFD), Deputy Chief J. Hackney (SVFD)